EZGaze Omphalos
SKU: 0271717
This wearable 3D-printed display was originally distributed via Art*o*mat® repurposed cigarette vending machines. Each unit arrives complete with 3 assorted laser, inkjet, screen print, or lithograhphically-printed Mini-Masterworks for longterm observation.
Sliding the last print up reveals the tangible, near-lifesize replica of the artist's navel. Available in 10 colors. Display upright on a flat surface, or around your neck with navel-length cord.
Find artwork that fits in the following products:- The original edition of mini-masterworks
- The 2nd edition, featuring the Thumb Opposes Forefinger human heritage monument
- Printed by the Mini-Masterworks coin-op vending machine.
- As part of painting simulator #7